THC Vape Oils prepared with love. 

In a world of ever changing laws, we are the first cannabis extract company willing to ship directly to patients Worldwide.

Our Cannabis extracts are 100% organic & Lab tested.   Our Premium flavors such as, Banana OG, Strawberry Cough, & Pineapple Express, are the best in the industry.

We are still a relatively small company & invite you to join us on the journey to becoming a household name.

ROYAL GOLD. From Royalty, For Royalty.

Solvent Free

  • 100% Organic
  • Lab tested

  • Distillate

  • .50 millileters

— MENU —

We produce the best THC Oils for you and your taste buds.

With Four new flavors

Strawberry Cough

93% THC


  1. d-Limonene
  2. Terpinolene

  3. Myrcene

  4. Linalool

  5. b-Caryophyllene

  6. Ocimene

  7. Humulene

  8. a-Pinene

  9. b-Pinene

Pineapple Express

93% THC


  1. b-Caryophyllene
  2. Myrcene

  3. Limonene

  4. Humulene

  5. Linalool

  6. b-Pinene

  7. a-Pinene

  8. Ocimene

  9. Terpinolene

Banana OG

93% THC


  1. b-Caryophyllene
  2. caryophylleneOxide

  3. a-Humulene

  4. Limonene

  5. Linalool

  6. b-Myrcene

  7. a-Pinene

  8. Fenchol

  9. Terpinolene

Try Our New Mango , Ice Hit , Grape Ape & Blueberry Flavors.

Royal Gold Premium Oils
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